When do you start a baby on stage 1 foods?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies start eating solid foods around 4 to 6 months of age. This is when they start to develop the skills needed to eat solids, such as sitting up, controlling their head, and reaching for food.

Some signs that your baby may be ready for solids include:

* They can hold their head up steadily.

* They can sit up with support.

* They reach for food.

* They put things in their mouth.

* They start to lose the tongue-thrust reflex, which is the natural reflex to push food out of the mouth.

If your baby shows these signs, you can start offering them solid foods. Start with single-ingredient foods, such as pureed fruits, vegetables, or cereals. Gradually increase the variety of foods you offer and the thickness of the purees as your baby gets used to eating solids.

Remember to always follow your baby's cues and let them decide how much and how often they want to eat.

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