How to Store Nutramigen

Nutramigen is an infant feed formulated for babies who develop eczema, colic or other gastrointestinal symptoms, owing to allergic reactions to cow milk or soy milk. A lactose-free, hypoallergenic formula produced by Mead Johnson & Company, Nutramigen contains easily digestible hydrolyzed protein. It provides the vital nutrients necessary for your baby's growth development, and is available as a powder, liquid and concentrate. Store Nutramigen safely to prevent contamination and spoilage, and ensure the health and well-being of your baby.


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      Place the unopened Nutramigen container in a cool dark place. Store it away from sources of moisture, heat and direct sunlight, which can cause the formula to deteriorate. Do not refrigerate Nutramigen until it is mixed.

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      Prepare Nutramigen formula and feed immediately or store safely to prevent it from getting spoiled. Store prepared formula in a feeding bottle or covered glass or ceramic container, in the refrigerator. Keep prepared powder formulas in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and ready-to-use liquid and concentrate liquid formulas for 48 hours.

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      Maintain the refrigerator temperature at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Feed the prepared formula within 1 hour of taking it out of the refrigerator.

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      Discard any remaining formula remaining in the bottle or container within 1 hour of feeding. Do not refrigerate for later feedings. Clean and sterilize the feeding utensils including bottles, nipples, caps and containers.

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      Always keep opened containers of Nutramigen powder formula covered with the plastic lid. Store the container at room temperature and use within 30 days of opening.

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