How to Help a Congested 6-Month-Old

Infant nasal congestion may result from thickened mucus or inflamed nasal passages caused by allergies, bacterial infections or viral infections, such as the common cold (See Reference 1). Because infants breathe primarily through their noses for the first few months of life, congestion can cause serious breathing difficulty for six month olds, which may also interfere with their ability to eat and sleep (See Reference 1). Always contact your child's doctor with any health concerns, but if your child is not running a fever, you may be able to relieve her nasal congestion at home.


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      Use a bulb syringe or nasal aspirator to suction mucus from your infant's nostrils (See Reference 2, Page 8). Squeeze the air out of the syringe, insert the tip ¼ to ½ an inch into infant's nostril and release the bulb to suction the mucus (See Reference 2, Page 8). Empty the syringe by squeezing the bulb, and repeat as often as necessary to keep infant's nostrils clear, washing syringe with soap and water after each use (See Reference 2, Page 8).

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      Position infant on his back with a towel beneath his shoulders and insert 2 to 3 saline nasal drops into each nostril and waiting 30 to 60 seconds (See Reference 1). Position infant on his stomach to allow the mucus to drain, and try to catch it with a tissue or soft cloth (See Reference 1). Infant saline nasal drops can be purchased at your pharmacy or you can make your own by combining ¼ teaspoon salt in ½ cup of lukewarm water.

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      Sit with your infant in a steamy bathroom for a few minutes or use a humidifier to moisturize the air in the infant's bedroom (See Reference 2, Page 8). Moist air helps to thin mucus so that it drains more easily. Position humidifier so that mist is not pointed directly at the infant's bed to prevent dampening bedding (See Reference 2, Page 8).

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      Encourage your infant to drink her usual amount of fluids and continue feeding or breast-feeding as normal (See Reference 2, Page 8). Proper hydration helps to thin mucus so that it drains more easily.

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