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Proper Way to Clean a Baby Girl When Changing
Sugar, spice and everything nice may encompass a little girl's personality, but her diapers are a different matter. Little girls are more sensitive and prone to diaper rashes and infections than little boys, so they require extra care when changing their diapers. The general rule of thumb for girls is that you must always change the diaper immediately when you believe she has soiled it, but can wait a while just like with boys if it is only wet.Things You'll Need
- Diaper
- Wipes
- Change of clothes
- Diaper cream
Verify that all of your diaper changing supplies are in arm's reach. This includes a clean diaper, wipes, change of clothes (in case of leak) and diaper cream.
Remove the old diaper, gently lifting the baby's waist slightly off of the changing table.
Wipe away any feces on the bottom.
Wipe and completely clean the vaginal area with a downward wiping motion. This ensures that any fecal germs are wiped away from her sensitive urinary tract.
Check her for any signs of irritation such as puffy red skin and place some diaper cream over those areas for extra protection.
Place the clean diaper under her bottom and close it up. Only clasp the waist clasps tight enough to keep the diaper on, as any tighter may cut off circulation to her legs.