Sleeping Habits of a One-Month Old Baby
Length of Sleep
A new baby may only sleep for up to four hours at a time. At this age, a baby will sleep around 12 to 16 hours each day, but in small increments. He may sleep two to four hours each nap time throughout the day and night. During the first few months of his new life, a baby's parents will need to get used to waking up throughout the night.
Establishing Sleep Patterns
Learn the signs that she is getting tired, in order to determine if it is time to put her to sleep. Signs can be rubbing her eyes, being extra fussy or pulling at her ear. Put her in her crib and wait to see if she falls asleep. Waiting until she is too tired can make it harder for her to get good sleep. Little babies usually find it hard to stay awake more than two hours at a time. Learning her sleep habits will help parents to plan their time out accordingly.
Encouraging Sleep
A warm bath can relax a baby and help them get to sleep. Helping baby to get to sleep can be a good time for parent bonding. Read her a bedtime story or sing her a lullaby. These are also ways of establishing a routine. When it is lullaby time she will start to associate that with sleep. Also, if she is having a hard time getting to sleep, try giving her a warm bath which can relax her.
Sleep Patterns As Baby Grows
As she gets older, baby will begin to sleep for longer periods of time. Once she has learned the difference between day and night, it will be easier to get her on a regular sleeping schedule. As time passes, babies will begin to sleep for less time during the day and longer periods at night. By the time babies reach 3 to 6 months of age, they will begin to be able to sleep up to six hours each night.