Can a baby born at 27 weeks with 800gms weight surive.what will be the probability of survival.will it have any medical complications if survived?

Babies born at 27 weeks with a birth weight of 800 grams have a chance of survival, but the probability of survival and the potential medical complications can vary. Here's some information based on statistical averages and medical practices:

1. Probability of Survival: The survival rate for premature babies born at 27 weeks has significantly improved over the years due to advancements in medical care and technology. According to various studies, the overall survival rate for babies born at 27 weeks ranges between 50% to 70%, depending on various factors such as the baby's overall health, the presence of complications, and the level of medical care available.

2. Medical Complications: Premature babies, especially those born at 27 weeks, are at higher risk of developing medical complications. Some of the common complications include:

- Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS): This is a condition where the baby's lungs are underdeveloped and have difficulty breathing on their own.

- Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH): This is a condition where bleeding occurs in the brain, which can lead to long-term neurological problems.

- Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): This is a condition where the blood vessels in the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) develop abnormally, which can lead to vision problems.

- Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC): This is a condition where the intestines become damaged and inflamed, which can lead to serious infections.

- Sepsis: This is a condition where a bacterial infection spreads throughout the body, which can be life-threatening.

3. Long-Term Outcomes:

- If the baby survives and does not have any major complications, they may still have an increased risk of developing health problems later in life, such as chronic lung disease, learning disabilities, and developmental delays.

- However, with early intervention, proper medical care, and support, many premature babies born at 27 weeks can go on to live full and healthy lives.

It's important to keep in mind that each baby is unique, and their chances of survival and long-term outcomes can vary based on individual circumstances and the quality of medical care they receive. Consult with a healthcare professional for more accurate information and guidance specific to your situation.

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