What can a 9 month old baby do?

A 9-month-old baby is developing rapidly and can do a variety of things, including:

* Physical development:

* Pulls to stand and may take a few steps

* Crawls quickly and efficiently

* Sits up without support

* Rolls over both ways

* Picks up objects with raking grasp (using the entire hand)

* Bangs objects together

* Transfers objects from one hand to the other

* Cognitive development:

* Responds to simple requests, like "give me"

* Understands the concept of object permanence (knows that objects still exist even when they are out of sight)

* Explores the environment and shows curiosity about new things

* Recognizes familiar people and objects

* Imitates gestures and sounds

* Social and emotional development:

* Shows affection for familiar people

* Responds to emotions of others

* Makes eye contact

* Plays peek-a-boo and other interactive games

* Begins to develop a sense of self and independence

Every baby develops at their own pace, so it is important to remember that these are just general milestones.

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