Do i need to give water my breastfed baby in the hot weather?
* Dry mouth and tongue
* Sunken eyes
* No tears when crying
* Decreased urination
* Fussy or lethargic behavior
you may want to offer them a small amount of cooled boiled water. The best way to offer water is by using a spoon or dropper. Avoid giving your baby water from a bottle, as this can interfere with breastfeeding and lead to nipple confusion.
Here are some tips for keeping your breastfed baby hydrated in hot weather:
* Breastfeed your baby more frequently, especially during the hottest parts of the day
* Offer your baby a small amount of cooled boiled water if you think they may be dehydrated
* Avoid giving your baby sugary drinks, such as juice or soda, as these can dehydrate them
* Dress your baby in light, loose clothing to help them stay cool
* Keep your baby in a cool environment, such as a shady spot outdoors or an air-conditioned room
* If you are concerned about your baby's hydration, talk to your doctor