How do babies start?
1. Sperm and Egg:
- Sperm: Produced in the male testes, they contain genetic material (DNA).
- Egg/Ovum: Produced in the female ovaries, they also carry DNA.
2. Fertilization:
- During sexual intercourse, sperm travel through the vagina, cervix, and uterus to reach the fallopian tubes.
- If an egg is present in the fallopian tube, one sperm may penetrate and fertilize it, forming a fertilized egg (zygote).
3. Zygote and Cell Division:
- The zygote undergoes rapid cell division as it travels through the fallopian tube towards the uterus.
4. Implantation:
- Several days after fertilization, the developing ball of cells (blastocyst) reaches the uterus.
- It implants into the lining of the uterus (the endometrium), where it receives nourishment and oxygen from the mother's bloodstream.
5. Embryonic and Fetal Development:
- The implanted embryo undergoes further cell differentiation and development.
- Over time, it develops specialized tissues, organs, and body parts, eventually becoming a fetus.
- Various stages of development can be defined based on gestational age (number of weeks since fertilization).
6. Pregnancy and Birth:
- The mother's body undergoes significant changes to support fetal growth and development.
- Pregnancy typically lasts around 9 months (40 weeks).
- At the end of pregnancy, labor begins, leading to the birth of the baby.
It's important to note that the process of reproduction and the specifics of each stage can vary among different individuals and may be influenced by factors such as genetics, health, and environmental conditions.
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