How to Make an Infant Eat Better
Solid Foods
Begin to add newer foods in the proper stages of introduction. Ideally, breast milk should be consumed in the earliest stages, and solid foods should be added into their diet at 4 to 6 months of age.
Sit the infant on your lap when feeding them solid foods. This may give them confidence and security as they continue to develop their feeding habits with a more solidified diet.
Reduce their risk of choking by holding the infant in an erect posture and having them face the food. Food will be be swallowed much more smoothly with the proper stance.
Add a small amount of food on the tip of of the spoon, and carefully lay it on the infant's tongue. Ideally, the spoon should be small enough to fit into the infant's mouth.
Spoon-feed only at times when the infant is aware that it's about to be spoon-fed. Babies require focus and need to be attentive when feeding until they become accustomed to handling it naturally.
Be patient during feeding, as an infant likely will take his or her time in feeding. The baby's pace will vary depending on the baby chooses to use his or her food, whether for eating, playing, or exploring.