What Are the First Two Months of a Baby's Development?
Sometimes it's hard to understand what exactly is ailing a newborn as they lack communication skills. Help to build these by talking to your baby. Though your baby can't understand what you are saying, they will be able to pick up on your attitude based on how you respond. According to the Mayo Clinic, help to foster communication by responding swiftly when your baby cries or when he awakens from a nap. This teaches your baby that you are there to help him and when he makes certain noises or movements you will come to his aid. By two months, most babies begin to communicate in small ways through facial expressions, small noises and crying.
Sight and Recognition
As your baby's vision develops, she will become intrigued with everything around her. Help her to develop vision by giving her plenty of things to look at to keep her occupied. Babies are particularly stimulated by bright colors and objects that move. You will notice when your baby's vision develops as more toward the second month she will be transfixed by any and everything that crosses her path.
When you first bring your baby home, you will likely notice that he sleeps a lot. As his hearing skills grow, you will find that he reacts to any and every noise. He usually reacts by waking up from a nap or trying to see where the noise is coming from. By the second month or so, you will begin to discover what sounds comfort your baby and what sounds put him on edge.
By month two or three, you will begin to see that your baby can control her head movements a little more. As opposed to having a head that appears detached from her body, she will be able to move her neck on purpose toward objects that she wishes to look at. There will also likely be a lot of kicking or wiggling.
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