How to Maintain Thermoregulation in Newborn Babies
Maintain the room temperature at 72 to 76 F. Do not place cribs or changing tables near windows, walls or air-conditioning vents.
Place a knit hat on the infant's head. Dress the baby at all times, and swaddle with a blanket during cool weather. Use layers of clothing so that articles can be removed if the baby gets too warm.
Place a warmed cloth diaper or blanket between the newborn baby and cold surfaces. Keep the baby and her environment dry. Change wet diapers and clothing immediately.
Delay the baby's initial bath for at least one week, then give a sponge bath in a warm, draft-free environment. Dry the baby well after baths, especially the head and neck area.
Dress your baby appropriately for the outdoor temperature when strolling or traveling in the car. In cold weather, always cover baby's feet, hands and head. For car trips, warm or cool the car before loading your baby inside.