Milk Alternatives for Toddlers
Soy Milk
Soy milk is a viable alternative to cow's milk, although it is not a full replacement. Soy milk contains certain molecules that produce limited estrogen-like effects. Because these effects are weak, doctors suggest that they may actually be beneficial because they may reduce the risk of breast cancer. The long-term effects of soy milk consumption are unknown, but Dr. Walter C. Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health sees no reason why children should avoid consuming moderate amounts of soy milk as a dairy replacement --- that is, one or two glasses a day --- if your toddler isn't allergic to soy.
Children can consume formulas that have been extensively hydrolyzed and are casein-based. The formulas contain the protein that causes allergies in cow's milk, but it is in a broken-down form that is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. Children can consume these formulas for different lengths of time, depending on their diets. For example, children with dairy allergies may continue to consume the formula well past their first birthday.
Rice Milk
Rice milk is made from rice, so it's a great addition to a healthy diet for toddlers. Rice milk does not contain the same nutrients as cow's milk, such as protein and calcium. Some forms of rice milk are fortified to provide consumers with calcium; the amounts of protein and fat are much lower than those in cow's milk. Therefore, rice milk can replace the calcium that is lost by not drinking cow's milk, but not the protein and fat components.
While it is not a liquid, yogurt provides the opportunity for toddlers to consume some of the health benefits of milk without the problems. Although yogurt is, indeed, made from milk, its live and active cultures break down the lactose, making it edible to those with lactose intolerance. Yogurt helps regulate digestive tracts and acts as an important source of animal protein and fat for many individuals.