How to Apply Pest Control in Daycares
Things You'll Need
- Food grade diatomaceous earth
- Plastic gloves
- Face masks
- Plastic bags
- Bleach spray
- Washing machine
- Vacuum
Write or contact all parents registered at the daycare. Let them know about the pests that have been recently spotted. Make alternate arrangements for all of the children: You will need to close down the facility for at least a week, so you can ensure that your facility is pest free.
Purchase food grade diatomaceous earth. This is a safe powder that is derived from fossilized diatoms which were prehistoric algae-like plants. It can be bought online, or at local pet supply stores.
Pass out plastic gloves and face masks to all people who will be working with the product. It is safe: However, it comes in a dust-like powder that may irritate the lining of the nose.
Remove all furniture: toys, cribs, playpens, shelves, bedding, pillows, blankets. Now -- depending on the pests -- carefully clean all removable items. If you are dealing with lice and bed bugs you must place all fabric materials in plastic bags and wash them in hot soapy water. Wood or hard surfaced objects should be thoroughly cleaned with a bleach spray.
Sprinkle diatomaceous earth all around the facility: on carpets, along baseboards, under cabinets, around sinks, along walls. Be careful not to sprinkle too much. It is known to cause problems for vacuum cleaners. Just lightly coat the carpet and rugs. Diatomaceous earth has microscopic sharp edges that puncture the outer shell of insects, it is also inhaled, which kills the insects as well.
Sprinkle around the outer facility to prevent future pests from entering the building. It is effective against flea beetles, cockroaches, slugs, snails, ants, bedbugs, fleas, ticks, mites, and fungus gnats. Eliminating all these other insects will also help keep spiders away, since you are removing their food source.
Monitor the pests daily for the week: Continue sprinkling diatomaceous earth, until all pests have been eliminated. Vacuum the carpets and rugs after the week has passed, so you can eliminate the carcasses of the pests.