Ideas for Girls to Stay Healthy
Food Choices
Offer options. Instead of forcing her to eat a plate of food when you tell her to "because it is healthy," put a variety of foods at her disposal and allow her to choose. Dedicate a drawer of the refrigerator that is just for her and fill it with snacks that you prepare together like cut fruits and vegetables, string cheese, yogurt and nuts. Giving her the option of picking out the foods she wants and when she is hungry will teach her to follow the natural rhythms of her body and to reach for healthy foods on her own (without being forced). Don't worry if she doesn't want to eat healthy food right away, in order for children to develop a taste for a new food, they have to try it somewhere between 15 to 20 times.
Fun With Friends
Encourage lots of activity for girls by arranging a variety of play-dates or get-togethers with other girls. Sign her up for swim lessons, soccer, karate, dance classes or some other physical activity with her friends to make her more motivated to attend and to continue attending. If she doesn't like one activity after trying it a few times, give her other options, like a weekly roller-skating date with a friend, or a special afternoon with you where you spend some quality time together doing a different physical activity each week.
Turn Off the TV
Television can be entertaining, relaxing and a means of learning new information for girls. However, according to the University of Michigan Health System website, "TV viewing is probably replacing activities in your child's life that you would rather have her do (things like playing with friends, being physically active, getting fresh air, reading, playing imaginatively, doing homework, or doing chores.)" Therefore, limit TV hours to a minimum so your children learn to use their time for more productive and healthy activities. Make Friday or Saturday night a special movie night and something your girls can look forward to, and dedicate the rest of the school week to other activities and school work.
Accept Her
Help your daughter with her healthy decisions and self image by accepting her just the way she is. She is your daughter and every word you say to her will affect her sense of self. Be kind and accepting of her for who she is, no matter how she looks. Encourage her positively and avoid negative criticism, punishing or jokes about her appearance.
Learning From Example
At the end of the day, you are the primary example of how a girl (and later a woman and adult) should maintain her health. Don't tell your daughter that she should exercise, eat healthy food and watch less TV if you yourself eat junk food in front of the TV every night instead of being active. When you take time for yourself, share your positive and healthy life choices, the girl looking up to you will most likely be inspired to follow suit.