Tips for ADD

ADD stands for attention deficit disorder. This disorder affects both children and adults. The inability to sit still or concentrate on one thing for an extended period of time can disrupt schoolwork, careers and interpersonal relationships. However, following certain tips can make getting through the day and accomplishing one's goals easier.
  1. Make Lists

    • Symptoms of ADD include trouble completing tasks and remaining organized. To help yourself stay focused, finish projects or chores you start and keep your work, school or life organized, start making lists. Every day write a list of the things you need to accomplish that day such as pay bills, do laundry and call the phone company. Children might write a list that includes: do homework, clean bedroom or walk the dog. When the task is completed, cross it off your list.

    Take Notes

    • Writing yourself notes on sticky notes can also help you stay organized and on track. Stick the notes in places you're likely to see them, such as the refrigerator, bathroom mirror or on the television. When you become distracted, these randomly placed notes will remind you to pay a bill by a certain date, finish a school project by the deadline or get the laundry done so you have clean underwear tomorrow.


    • Daily exercise helps to reduce lack of focus caused by ADD. It also reduces stress, works off surplus energy and calms your mind, allowing your to focus better and complete tasks easier. For exercise you can go to the gym, hike or bike outdoors or join a team sport. To help you keep committed to your exercise regimen, ask a friend to become a workout buddy.


    • Lack of sleep can increase ADD symptoms. A full night's sleep helps you concentrate and be more productive during the day. To ensure a good night's rest, don't drink caffeinated beverages late in the day, stick to a daily bedtime --- even on weekends -- and establish a bedtime routine so your body knows it is time for rest. If you still have trouble falling asleep, try taking a hot shower or bath before going to sleep at night.

    Eat Healthy

    • A healthy diet also can ease inattention associated with ADD, as well as lower stress levels. If you're suffering from ADD, eat several small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. Also, try not to eat sugar, lower your carbohydrate intake and add more protein to your diet.


    • ADD puts a lot of stress on romantic relationships, work relationships and friendships due to missed appointments and deadlines and irrational behavior. Mend these relationships by seeking therapy. Therapy helps you understand your illness better and can teach your how to communicate and how to solve problems better.

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