How to Use Animals for Helping Special Needs Kids
For many years, people have seen the merit of putting animals and children together. Children often respond positively to the unconditional love of a well-chosen pet. Many parents see the virtue of teaching a child to be responsible in other areas by giving him supervised responsibility for a pet. When a child has special needs, the bond can be even stronger. He is likely to have limits in his ability to make friends because of difficulties with communication or mobility. He will look at the animal as an affectionate and nonjudgmental friend. There are also even more therapeutic possibilities in the relationship between a child with special needs and an animal, as they can help children get around.Instructions
Consider using a service dog if your child has a special need or a sensory disability, such as a visual or hearing impairment. Sensory dogs can also help warn children who are prone to fits. However, sensory dogs live in the home and are a responsibility. Only consider this option if you are prepared for the commitment of looking after a dog.
Research the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association if your child is interested in horses and riding and he suffers from a condition that may make this a helpful activity. Children who have muscular disorders can benefit from hippotherapy, a form of therapy that aims to counter mobility problems using the movement of the horse. A child who suffers from a cognitive disability may also excel at riding, improving his self-esteem and confidence.
Look into the benefits of Dolphin Human Therapy. Children love swimming with dolphins. These animals have proved friendly, calming and intelligent. Many children suffering from conditions as varied as eating disorders, Down's syndrome or autism have benefited from contact with dolphins.