How to Reach a Maximum Growth & Height
Eat regular meals to stimulate growth. It is recommended that instead of eating three large meals a day, you eat five to seven smaller meals. When you go through a growth spurt, your body will require lots of energy obtained from food, so it is important to eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
Consume foods that are rich in vitamin D and calcium, which both help bones grow. Milk and dairy products like cheese are good sources of calcium to help strengthen bones as they grow. Vitamin D is not very common in regular foods, but you can get your daily dose of vitamin D through fortified beverages or through daily vitamins.
Get enough sleep to provide your body with the energy it needs to grow to its maximum size and height. Failure to sleep can limit your body's growth cycle, so make sure you are getting the recommended sleep for your age. It is recommended that school-age children get between 10 and 12 hours of sleep each night.
Perform stretching exercises and partake in regular physical exercise to help facilitate growth. Exercises like yoga and Pilates help to align the spine, preparing it for elongation experienced during growth.
Exercise good posture to help your spine grow straight and tall. If you are constantly slouching, your spine will not develop properly, making you look less tall than you really are. Be sure to sit straight, with your shoulders back and avoid walking in a hunched-over position.