Kids Workout Activities
Workouts for Babies
Tummy time for young children strengthens their bodies and mind. Even babies require physical activity. It helps them develop strength, coordination and brain function. It also provides a bonding moment between child and parent. For young babies, have them push against your hands with their feet while they are lying on their back. As they get older, encourage rolling over and tummy time to strengthen their core. Check your local yoga studio or health club for classes, or purchase a DVD online. Enroll you and your baby in a swimming class. Babies are natural born swimmers and take to the water easily while still infants.
Workouts for Toddlers
Exercising with your toddler is a fun and healthy way to spend quality time. Toddlers have endless amounts of energy that can easily be channeled into fun and vigorous workouts. Toddler trampolines make a great work-out tool, and kids love them. Encourage your little one to dance, run, jump and tumble as a means of exercising. Yoga is also a fun yet relaxing workout that can be tailored to meet the needs of toddlers and preschoolers. Check with your local parks and recreation department as well. They often have tumbling classes or open gyms specifically for this age group.
Workouts for Pre-Schoolers
Every day playing can be turned into an opportunity for a pre-schooler to exercise. There are games and activities that you can do with your pre-schooler that disguise the workout as playtime. Have your pre-schooler decorate an outside window with colored soaps and then have her wash it off with a sponge and water. Give him a waffle bat and a blown-up balloon and see how quickly he can pop it. Play a game of chase, run through the sprinkler, ride a tricycle or jump on a trampoline, all of which provide a healthy dose of play and exercise.
Work Out for Elementary Children
A simple swingset can be a great piece of workout equipment for elementary-aged children. When a child enters this age group, a lot more opportunities become available. Martial arts, organized sports, gymnastics, swim clubs, ice-skating, yoga and dance classes are great ways to get a workout in for an elementary-aged child. Check with your local dance and yoga studios, parks and recreation departments and schools for sports and clubs. There are also lots of activities that can be done at home. Set up a scavenger hunt throughout the house or outside. See how quickly your child can find all the hidden items. Place them high and low to encourage a lot of bending and stretching. Give him an extra prize if he runs from place to place. Other options are to ask your child to perform a dance show for you, or imitate her favorite rock star, create an obstacle course from household items, or go to the park and play freeze tag or chase, anything that gets your child moving.
Workouts for Pre-Teens and Teenagers
Being active can help kids in this age group deal with their changing bodies, hormones and self-image. This age group can be challenging to motivate when it comes to working out. Electronic entertainment is easily accessible and geared toward this age group, but there are things they can do that are not traditional workouts, making it fun and entertaining at the same time. Use the current electronic trend to get your pre-teen and teenager moving. Gaming consoles have different workout video games that combine the video game fun with physical activity, while popular dance music can be the inspiration needed to get a teenager up and moving. You as the parent can combine their chore's list with physical activities. Mowing the lawn, digging holes or trenches, washing the cars or washing the outside windows could all be things kids do to earn a little extra spending cash while getting a workout in. Organized sports, yoga, health clubs and other group activities that include physical workouts is a way to ensure your teenager is being healthy while nurturing her social natures.
Workouts for You
When it comes to health and exercise, set the example you wish your children to follow. Children are masters at copying what you do rather than what you say. If you want your children to live healthy and active lifestyles, you need to be the example for them to follow. Starting a whole family workout regiment is a great way to demonstrate to your family what it looks and feels like to be healthy and how to fit in physical activities and workouts throughout their day. Some group family workout ideas are to go for a hike; rent a paddle boat at a local park or lake; enroll in a health club, yoga class or kick-boxing class together; go golfing; take nightly walks after dinner; play basketball, soccer, or baseball together; or take up rock climbing. A family that exercises together stays healthy and happy together.