Core Strengthening Activities for Preschoolers
To perform the plank, the child should lie belly down on the floor. Then have the child come off the floor, straight like a plank, with his forearms supporting his upper body and his toes supporting his legs. Have him hold the position for at least 10 seconds. This exercise strengthens the child's stomach muscles. To make this exercise harder, have him hold the position on one arm while lifting and holding the other in front of him.
Tightrope Walker
Gather a piece of rope, a beanbag and an empty plastic bottle for your child complete the tightrope walker exercise. Lay the rope down in a straight line on the floor and have the child walk on the rope without stepping off. Once he can walk without any problem, have him balance a beanbag on his head and follow the rope without letting it fall. To make this exercise even harder, curve the rope and place a bottle halfway down it. Have him walk with the beanbag on his head and then slowly bend and touch the bottle without letting the beanbag fall.
Crab Walk Races
Siblings, family members or friends will strengthen their muscles and have fun while having crab walk races. The racers sit on the floor with their knees bent and feet flat on the floor. hands are placed flat on the floor just a bit behind their hips. Using the hands, have them push up until their rears are off the floor so they can use their hands and feet to walk backwards like a crab to the finishing point. A beanbag or soft toy can be carried on their stomachs while walking to increase the difficulty level.
Situps will strengthen the abdominal muscles of preschool age children. While lying on his back, the child lifts his shoulders and head off the floor.
Using of a ball while doing situps can make this exercise more enjoyable. The child lies on his back and holds a ball in his hands above his head. He comes to a sitting position while bringing the ball over his head and forward at the same time.