Natural Herbs Used to Calm Aggressive Behaviors in Children
Childhood depression is rare, but is on the increase.One symptom of childhood depression is aggression. St. John's Wort is one herb used for aggression treatment in children. Valerian has a mild sedative effect, decreasing the likelihood of aggressive behaviors. Liquid Valerian root is the preferred means of dosing. Depression is a serious illness, and parents should check with the child's doctor before choosing to treat depression with herbs.
Autism and Asperger's Syndrome have been in the news a lot in recent years. Aggression and impulse control are two of the problems that parents face when raising a child with this disability. Children with Autism sometimes exhibit impulsive behavior and become aggressive. Four suggested herbs are St. John's Wort, Cina, Passiflora and Chamomile.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is often treated with stimulants. One wonders why a hyperactive child is treated with stimulants. The theory states that the medications work opposite in children, and calms them rather than exciting them. Three herbs used to calm an aggressive child with ADHD are St. John's Wort, Valerian, California Poppy and Grape Seed Extract.
Additional Follow-Up Treatment
Many herbs counteract traditional medications. Some even increase or negate the effects of prescriptions. It is advised that parents never give herbs to their children without first consulting with the child's doctor. That way, herbs can be used to treat childhood aggression in an effective manner.