Hand-washing Games for Children
Show children how quickly germs can spread just by simple touching. Get a group of children at home or in school for this game. Pour some glitter on one child's hands and have him shake hands with another child. Have the children go around the group shaking hands with each other. After several minutes, ask the children to look at their hands and see how much glitter was transferred to each of them.
Hand Lens
With a magnifying glass, children will be able to see the map of their hands: each line, crease and crevice. While holding a magnifying glass to your child's hand, show her all of the places germs can hide. Help her make a hand print, by applying a thin coat of paint to her palm and fingers and placing her hand firmly on construction paper. When she lifts it, she will be able to see the lines that make out her hand map. Those are the places she needs to reach while washing her hands.
Traveling Germs
Many children learn best by seeing, which makes the Traveling Germs game an effective lesson in hand-washing. Using baby powder, demonstrate what happens when germs travel through in the air. Put some baby powder in the palm of your hand and blow on it while pretending to sneeze. Have your child watch as the powder travels through the air and doesn't disappear until it hits a solid surface.
Hand-Washing Song
Choose a song that lasts about 20 seconds, and have your child sing that song every time he washes his hands. Some songs that last the appropriate amount of time and are easy for children to use include their ABCs; "Happy Birthday" sung twice; "Yankee Doodle"; or "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." This activity will get your child interested in washing his hands, as well as get him used to washing thoroughly for an extended period of time.