Hand Washing & Germ Activities
Make Up a Song
People should wash their hands with soap for at least 15 to 20 seconds. To ensure children do this, make up a song to be sung while hand-washing takes place. You might begin with the line "Wash, wash, wash your hands ..." to the tune of "Row, row, row your boat" and go from there. If you are with a group of children, make up the song together. Time the song and if it clocks in at less than 15 seconds, have children sing it twice while washing.
Germ Tag
This game is like regular tag, but teaches children what germs are and that they should be avoided. The person who is "it" is the germ. When he tags another player, that player is "sick" and is now "out." The last player left standing becomes the germ for the next game. As you discuss this activity, you might explain that germs are what make people sick, and washing your hands regularly helps keep you healthy.
Hand-Washing Poster
Make a poster with each child or as a group detailing the steps for proper hand washing. Begin with turning on the taps. Have children draw a picture relating to this activity and write a caption that explains how to do it. Proceed to rinsing hands, soaping up, scrubbing for 15 to 20 seconds and drying. Hang the poster or posters near the sink or hand-washing area.
Glitter Transmission
This activity illustrates how quickly and easily germs spread and works if you are with a large group of children. Put some glitter on the hands of one or two children. Have those children shake hands with two other children each. Have those children shake hands with two other children and so on. After a few minutes, ask who has glitter on their hands. Children will find that most of them do and that just like glitter, germs can spread very quickly through mere contact.