Dogs for Children With Autism
Labrador Retriever
Labrador retrievers are a great breed of dog for autistic children. Labs are very friendly and respond well to training. They are a protector of their household. Good training is important with these dogs because of their playful attitude, and training should be started at an early age.
Saint Bernard
These dogs are known as "gentle giants," and for good reason. These dogs are very protective of their family and love children. They can sense imminent danger and are very mellow and laid back. Saint Bernards are typically inside dogs, because they do not do well in the summer months outdoors. Because of their size, a Saint Bernard should always be selected right after being weaned so that behavior classes can begin right away. These dogs are very easy to house train, but they require some maintenance because they shed frequently. Saint Bernards are perfect for a toddler or older child.
Poodles come in three sizes and have even temperaments. These dogs are an excellent choice for an autistic child because they love to be around people. The smaller variety poodle is a good choice because there is no fear in its knocking over a small child. Also, poodles don't shed.
Border Collie
A border collie is a medium-sized dog, with medium length fur. These dogs are very partial to their owners and love showing off on command. Make sure to get a border collie when it is young. Border collies that have been used as herding dogs may not be the best choice for children. Border collies are an excellent size for a toddler.