Activities to Do With Children Related to Health
How the Body Works
As children grow, their bodies change rapidly. It can be a complex, interesting and confusing process. However, to teach children about the importance of good health and how to care for their bodies, they need to understand how the body works. Kids Health offers an interactive activity that helps kids learn about the various organs of the body. It teaches children through movies, articles, word puzzles and quizzes. After learning about the body, kids can answer questions in a "body works" scavenger hunt.
Physical Activity
Being physically active is an important part of health. It decreases the risk of overweight and obesity, and helps make the heart, bones and muscles strong. Engaging in physical activities is not difficult. Ride bicycles, jump rope, jog, play dodge ball or hide and seek with children to help them be physically active. You can also have kids keep track of how much time they watch television or play video games compared to time spent playing outdoors. Use this daily log as a way to help children increase their level of physical activity.
Food Flash Cards
Healthy eating habits begin at an early age. Creating flash cards is an inexpensive way to teach children the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods. Have children draw their favorite foods, fruits and vegetables on index cards. Make sure to include unhealthy foods that are high in fat and calories. Rearrange the cards and have children pull a card from the stack. Ask them to determine if the foods are unhealthy or healthy. If the food is unhealthy, explain why and offer a healthier food option.
Many diseases and health risks are a result of genetics. Children need to understand what genetic diseases may be in their family. For example, if there is a family history of diabetes or heart disease, children can make dietary and lifestyle changes in advance to decrease their risk of developing a familial disease. One way to teach children about genetic diseases in the family is to create a family health tree. Use the tree to map diseases in the family, and have children write down any habits that may contribute to each disease. Discuss how they can change unhealthy habits.