Health and Safety Topics for Kids
It's very important to educate children on safety around strangers. Topics to cover include staying with a buddy, not talking to strangers, not accepting gifts from strangers, adults will never need help from children and what makes a person a stranger. Children need to understand the risks and danger involved if they make the wrong decision involving strangers.
Parents should approach this subject in a non-frightening way. One way to achieve this is to discuss the topic of strangers often. Children will have lessons on stranger safety brought to their attention over and over in casual conversation instead of in one alarming discussion.
Bicycle Safety
It's fun to ride a bike in the warm sunshine with friends, but children need to understand the risks. Children should be educated on helmet use, wearing visible and appropriate clothing, correct footwear and road rules. Educating children on rules and safety issues of riding a bike will let them to have a fun experience all summer. Parents can ask their parks and recreation department or city center if they present bike safety programs. You can also check with your library or police or fire department to find such programs.
Water Safety
Summer is an ideal time to go out on a boat or take a swim in the pool. These activities bring up the importance of educating children on water safety. It is important for children to learn about wearing life jackets and proper pool etiquette. When swimming or playing in a pool, children need to obey the pool rules to prevent injuries. Other topics include appropriate weather, swimming in natural bodies of water, and pool drains and filters. Your YMCA or other neighborhood pool may offer water safety classes.
A health issue that needs to be discussed with children is how germs spread. They can acquire germs easily at schools, playgrounds and grocery stores. Discuss with children the importance of keeping their room and toys clean, washing their hands after using the bathroom and covering their mouth when they cough or sneeze. These simple actions will help to reduce the spread of germs and help keep children from getting sick.