Funny Toddler Games
The Unexpected
Toddlers are developing their sense of humor, and visual humor is funny to them. Toddlers understand the way the world is supposed to look, so if you make an unexpected twist, it will make you child laugh. Putting a diaper on your head or trying on her shirt instead of yours will make you toddler laugh. Place one of her toys in the cupboard and ask her how that got there. Using her shoes as puppets will get her laughing too. Any game where you do something off-kilter will cause laughter.
Silly Songs
Silly songs with funny rhymes and nonsense words, like "my name is Yon Yonson, I come from Wisconsin" are funny to toddlers, who are developing their language skills. Even after repeating it a few times, your child will laugh in anticipation. Other silly songs are "The Purple People Eater" and "Pop Goes the Weasel." Add funny faces and movements when you sing the songs to really get your toddler laughing. Singing songs also develop vocabulary and their hand movements develop fine motor skills.
This Little Piggy
In this traditional game, you need your toddler in bare feet. Start with her big toe, and wiggle it while saying, "This little piggy went to market." Wiggle the next toe and say,"This little piggy stayed home." Wiggle the next toe, and say,"This little piggy had roast beef." The next toe is, "and this little piggy had none." Wiggle the pinkie toe, and start saying, "this little piggy cried 'Wee, wee, wee,' all the way home." When you say "wee, wee, wee," you tickle your toddler.
Peek-a-boo is the classic funny game for toddlers. Hide behind almost anything and your toddler will laugh. About the age of two, your toddler will try to play Peek-a-boo with you also. He may hide behind a tree or a large toy. Encourage him to develop his sense of humor by smiling and laughing in response. Act surprised and ask him where is he is. When he emerges, ask again where he is to cause more laughter.