How to Sleep the Night Before the First Day of School
Readjust your daily schedule a few days before school. The first day of school represents a dramatic shift in most kid's summertime schedules. Gradually readjusting your schedule a few days before school makes it easier to be in sync with the first day of school. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than your summertime schedule. Add an additional 15 minutes each night.
Dim the lights in your room in the evening. Bright lights create an artificial environment that makes it difficult to distinguish daytime and nighttime. The dim lights help your brain adjust to nighttime. Leave the blinds slightly open in your room, or have a parent open the blinds in the morning. The morning sunlight makes it easier to wake up.
Wind down a few hours prior to bedtime by turning off electronic devices. Electronics such as TVs, computers, and cellphones have a detrimental effect on children's and teenager's sleep patterns and habits.
Do stretching and breathing exercises. Breathing and stretching help to reduce stress and tension in your body, making it easier to relax and calm down.
Avoid reading or watching TV in bed. Use your bed only for sleeping. Reading a book is a good way to relax and wind down, but read the book in a chair. Once you begin to feel tired, go to bed and close your eyes. If you have trouble falling asleep, get out of bed and continue reading until you are sleepy.
Avoid eating and drinking caffeine prior to bedtime. It is best to stop drinking caffeine in the early afternoon.