Toddler Development Checklist
Motor Skills
Toddlerhood begins when a child learns to walk, according to the National Network for Child Care (NNCC). Toddlers then continue to develop gross motor skills, such as walking backward, running, jumping and climbing. Fine motor skills are also developing during this time, including the ability to finger feed themselves, drink from a cup, grasp smaller objects, scribble, stack blocks and throw objects.
Language Skills
By the age of two, a toddler's vocabulary may contain up to 50 words, which he can combine into short sentences. The child is also capable of identifying familiar people and objects, expressing emotions and memorizing short rhymes.
Cognitive Skills
Cognitive function improves rapidly as toddlers explore their surroundings. Beginning around age one, a toddler may look at the correct picture when an object is named, imitate the correct uses of items during play (i.e. telephones, hair brushes) and locate hidden objects.
Social Skills
Toddlers become increasingly self-aware around age one, which can lead to new emotions, such as jealousy, pride and shame, according to NNCC. They may also express a desire for independence by doing things for themselves and frequently saying "no," while still clinging to parents or caregivers for security. Toddlers may enjoy playing near other children, but may have difficulty sharing toys.
Toilet Training
Most toddlers will begin to express discomfort when their diapers become wet or soiled, either by telling you directly or through facial expressions or postures. This indicates a readiness to begin toilet training. Toilet training generally begins between the ages of two and three years old.
There is no definite schedule for a toddler to reach developmental milestones because every child develops differently. It is not unusual for a child to reach milestones after other children her age. However, if you are concerned that your child's development is delayed, discuss this with her pediatrician. He can determine if a development problem exists and recommend a course of action.