Where to Find Items for Hygiene Kits for Kids
Dental Hygiene Items
Dental hygiene should not be left out of any hygiene kits for kids. Dental hygiene items are important. Even if your children do not eat many sweets, cavities can still easily form on their teeth. The sooner he cleans his teeth after eating, the better. Items for dental hygiene should include a toothbrush, floss and a flouride rinse. Because these items are for a kit, you want to make sure they are smaller than the normal sizes that you have in your home. You can find a toothbrush with half the handle and a cover at many drugstores like CVS or Rite-Aid in their travel section. Floss generally comes in smaller packaging, but some brands do carry a smaller amount of floss in a quarter-sized disc. Flouride rinse also can be found in a drugstore in a smaller bottle that will fit into the kit.
Items for Showers
For general hygiene, make sure you include shampoo, conditioner and soap. Most brands, such as Mr. Bubble and Johnson and Johnson, are available at any drugstore and manufacturers make a 3-in-1 soap that acts as all three. This will minimize the amount of bottles you will need. Because it's hard to find a 3-in-1 combination in the travel section at the drugstore in a smaller bottle, you can buy mini bottles or jars at your local dollar store to fill in a bottle.
Hand Sanitizers
If you're on the go and do not have access to water, include a bottle of hand sanitizer. Many companies like Purell make a small bottle. For a fun twist for kids, try buying some small bottles of hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works -- they come in a variety of scents for everyone, and only cost $1.50 per bottle. Often, Bath and Body Works has a sale on them reducing the price to as little as $1 for one bottle.
First-Aid Items
In the case of a cut or scrape, good hygiene is a must. You do not want your child to get an infection. Be sure to include Band-Aids, antibiotic ointment or creme such as Neosporin. Dollar stores are great places to look for these items. You do not have to include a full box of Band-Aids in your child's hygiene kit -- a few should suffice. Replace Band-Aids if any have been used so that your child is never without Band-Aids.