Healthy Packaged Snacks for Kids

Getting kids to eat healthy while on the go can prove challenging for busy families. Many popular manufacturers of kids' foods are now making tasty and healthy snacks in pre-portioned packages that you can simply grab on your way out the door. Bringing these prepared snacks while out will help keep you and your children eating properly and not ruin anyone's diet.
  1. Cereal and Whole-Grain Bars

    • Cereal brands your child loves often make cereal bars. These are simple on-the-go snacks you can grab while heading out the door. Many are made with whole grains and are packed with the essential nutrients and vitamins your growing child needs. These bars are usually made more tasty by adding a small serving of chocolate or other sweetener to lessen the whole-grain taste, so limit these bars to one or two servings per day.

    Popcorn and Chips

    • Even packaged popcorn and potato chips can be a quick, healthy snack while on the road. Air-popped popcorn has less calories than regular microwaveable popcorn, according to Shape Fit, and lacks the added butter and salt most other packaged popcorn includes. Healthier potato chip options include brands that indicate no trans fats or at least 30 percent less fat than regular potato chips. These typically include baked chips, whole-grain chips, vegetable chips and chips without added salt.

    Dried Fruits

    • Dried fruit makes getting your child's daily recommended serving of fruit serving a breeze. Dried plums, cherries, cranberries, apricots, blueberries and more are readily available in pre-measured portions at your local grocer. Seek out more natural varieties, such as dried fruits made with no added sugar. Many kids love dried fruit as it provides a sweet snack that can replace candy and soda, and will keep the kids on a healthful diet when not at home.

    Rice Cakes

    • Rice cakes are a puffed rice treat that resembles popcorn pressed into a round, cookie-like shape, and are typically a low-calorie snack for on the go. These cakes are either left plain or flavored with a variety of flavorings. Many brands sell their cakes in a single serving package that makes snacking tasty and quick. Seek out a brand that provides the least amount of added sugar, but still in a flavor your child can enjoy.

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