Charitable Organizations That Fund Services for Medically Challenged Children
Operation Smile
Operation Smile sends surgeons and other volunteers around the world to treat children born with cleft lips and palates. Surgeries, which cost about $240 and take as little as 45 minutes, correct facial deformities and give babies and children the chance to live life with a more normal appearance. Founded in 1982, Operation Smile has successfully treated thousands of children using volunteer manpower and private donations.
Kids Caring 4 Kids
Kids Caring 4 Kids was founded by an 11-year-old girl in 2004 to help raise money and provide medical care for children who are affected by AIDS in Africa. The organization accepts donations and funds medical-care projects through other charities and individuals. In 2010, Kids Caring 4 Kids partnered with Lifesong for Orphans to provide a nurses' station in a local school to test and treat students for diseases.
UNICEF advocates for global children's health and provides medical interventions, such as vaccinations and antibiotics, to children in 36 countries that are affected by disease, poverty and military conflict. The organization is a strong proponent of fighting childhood malnutrition and of providing access to safe, clean water. Its efforts focus on preventing neonatal and early childhood deaths due to preventable causes.
Generation Rescue
Generation Rescue advocates for children who have autism and provides grants to low-income families so that their autistic children may receive medical care. The non-profit, which was founded by the parents of an autistic child, supports trying unconventional treatments, such as a gluten- and casein-free diets, chelation therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and vitamin and mineral supplements when traditional medical treatments fail to help autistic children. The organization's grants provide free visits with doctors who specialize in treating autism as well as mentorship, training and other support services.
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