List of Carbs for Kids
Fruit is considered a good source of carbohydrates. Fruit contains fiber, which promotes good digestive health and essential vitamins and minerals that can help protect kids from chronic diseases. An apple for instance, contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. Boron in apples helps strengthen you child's bones. According to, apples help kids develop healthy respiratory systems and reduce asthma attacks. Fruit in general is low in calories and can help kids maintain a healthy weight.
Similar to fruits, vegetables also have vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are low in fat and can help maintain a healthy weight in kids. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes have a higher carbohydrate content. Vegetables should be part of your child's daily diet. The Better Healthy Channel website recommends that children get five servings of vegetables on a daily basis. Children often get fussy about eating their vegetables, but if parents set a good example, it can stimulate them to follow.
Whole-grain bread, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice and oatmeal are all sources of complex "good" carbohydrates. states that kids older than 2, should consume a daily diet with a carbohydrate content of 50 to 60 percent. Good carbohydrates will help kids concentrate in school and keep them from getting fatigued. Whole-grain products are high in fiber, so they promote digestive health and make you feel full for a longer time.
Cookies, Cakes and Doughnuts
Knowing the good carbohydrates is a good thing, but knowing the bad carbohydrates is even better because you will be able to avoid them. Bad carbohydrates are mostly found in unhealthy foods such as fast foods, candy, cookies and doughnuts. Foods like white bread and white rice should also be limited because they are also high in simple carbohydrates. Replacing them with whole-grain bread and brown rice is better. Simple carbohydrates can contribute to weight issues in kids because they digest fast and leave your child hungry. They give your child a quick sugar rush and make him feel fatigued not long after.