Can Children Catch Diseases From Puppies?
Campylobacter Infection
Puppies contaminated with Campylobacter pass the bacteria through their feces. Children can acquire a Campylobacter infection by coming into contact with fecal waste of your puppy. Puppies don't have to show symptoms of the disease to pass the illness to your child. Symptoms include watery diarrhea, fever, nausea and cramping.
Puppies can get rabies through saliva and bodily secretions of an infected animal. If your puppy stays outdoors and hasn't been vaccinated, the risk for rabies transmission becomes greater. If your puppy becomes infected and bites or scratches your child, your child will become infected. If you notice your puppy becoming lethargic, anxious or overly apprehensive, seek prompt veterinarian attention. Be aware that pet owners are legally required to have pets vaccinated against rabies. Because of this, rabies in dogs is extremely rare in the United States.
Hookworms are common in young pets such as puppies, as indicated by the CDC. Some puppies will develop the disease from their infected mother, develop an infection through their mother's milk or develop a hookworm infection when you take your puppy for a walk through a dog park. Children develop a hookworm infection by walking through infected soil. Your puppy passes hookworms through its fecal matter. Larvae hook onto unprotected skin, burrowing into the bloodstream. Signs appear as red streaking lines on the skin, itching and muscle aches.
Animals can have Salmonella in their intestines. Puppies can also get Salmonella by eating raw meats. When your puppy has a bowel movement, Salmonella passes through the fecal matter. Allowing an infected puppy to lick or allowing your child to kiss your puppy can expose the child to a potential Salmonella infection. If your child puts his or her hands in the mouth after playing with the puppy, possible contamination can occur. Salmonella in children can be severe, with diarrhea and vomiting.