How to Stop Threadworms
Thread worms are tiny white worms that live in the intestines. They're not harmful to the body, but can be very irritating to the skin, and can cause issues like disturbed sleep, bed wetting, and stomach troubles. At night, the female thread worm creeps out and lays eggs along the skin of the anus. This can be itchy, so the infected human may scratch, getting the eggs under his nails. The eggs under the nails are then spread to others, or potentially ingested by the host. Thread worms usually infect children, but can be spread to adults as well.Things You'll Need
- Over the counter or prescription medicine
- Pajamas
- Enhanced hygiene
Ending the Thread Worm
See a doctor, or pick up an over the counter medicine, like Pin-X, to kill thread worms. Since they're transferred so easily, the whole family should be treated at the same time.
Wear pajamas to bed to prevent fingernail contact with the infected area. Wash these pajamas immediately after wear, to kill any eggs that may have been transferred to them. Wash underwear daily. Bed linens should also be washed and ironed, for good measure.
Wash down below, thoroughly and every morning, to wash off any eggs that may have been laid during the night. Don't share towels.
Keep nails trimmed short until the family is cleared of the infection. Scrub your hands thoroughly, especially under the nails, before each meal and after using the bathroom, to avoid accidental ingestion or the spreading of eggs. Nail-biting and finger sucking should be strongly discouraged during this time.
Disinfect toilet seats, door handles, and toilet handles daily, until cleared of infection. Damp-dust and vacuum bedrooms daily, as eggs can survive in dust for up to two weeks.
Instruct your children to take extra precautions at school. Since thread worms can be passed through touching hands or another infected object, children should be equipped with hand sanitizers and possibly, disinfecting wipes.