How to Help Kids Stop Smoking
Establish good communication with your kids from an early age so that when issues such as smoking come along, you can easily talk to them about it. Avoid lecturing your child and try to listen to them.
Find out why your child is smoking. Ask your child what he finds so appealing about smoking and whether any of his friends smoke. Consider that peer pressure might be in play here. Communicate in a loving, gentle and honest manner.
Inform your kid about the dangers of smoking that she is opening herself up to and -- about the benefits of stopping. Mention how smoking effects her health and how it yellows her teeth, costs a lot of money and causes bad breath and smelly clothes. Tell your child that if she stops smoking, she will be addiction-free, have better athletic ability, more energy and an improved appearance.
Set limits if your child isn't ready to quit smoking. Declare your home off-limits when it comes to smoking and tell your child not to smoke in your presence. Setting ground rules might motivate your child to quit sooner than later.
Support your child and offer to get him nicotine gum or nicotine patches if they are willing to quit smoking. Consult with your doctor or call the American Lung Association or the American Cancer Society for information regarding local programs to help your kid stop smoking.