Lice Treatments for Desperate Moms
Nit Comb
Nit combs can be used even on young children. Using a nit comb is the safest method to rid a child's hair of lice. A nit comb is often used while your child's hair is wet. This allows the comb to glide through the hair easier. The hair should be separated about the width of the comb, which will help you spot lice. While running the comb through the hair, lice can be plucked from her hair and disposed of. The Mayo Clinic recommends using a nit comb every few days for two weeks.
Olive Oil
Olive oil won't aggravate your child's scalp. The Head Lice Info website recommends using olive oil to suffocate the lice. Saturate your child's hair with the oil and cover it with a shower cap for a few hours. Dead lice then can be combed from the hair. Once the lice have been picked out, use a degreasing dish soap to remove the olive oil. It may take up to two washings to effectively remove all traces of the oil.
Other Oils
Add repelling oils to your shampoo. A teaspoon of tea tree oil, a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil and few tablespoons of olive oil mixed into some of your child's shampoo may help combat lice, according to the Dr. Greene website. The shampoo should be worked from the scalp through the length of your child's hair and left on for half an hour. Instruct your child not to touch his hair or lean forward during the process since the oils can hurt his eyes. The hair should be washed with a degreasing dish soap afterward.
Blow Dryer
Heat can rid lice. The blow dryer method should be used in conjunction with a nit comb. The hot air can be applied through the hair for up to 15 minutes twice a day. After the heat is applied, combing the hair can remove dead lice. The nit comb should be doused in a solution of dish soap and water to remove lice, before returning the comb to your child's hair.