How to Prepare Kids for Blood Work
Tell your child he will need blood work a day or two before the appointment. Calmly explain what will happen, such as "A nurse will put a needle in your arm, and it will hurt for a minute or two," and answer any questions he has.
Explain to your child why the blood work is necessary. Explain that her body has lots of blood and the nurse is only going to take a little bit. Tell her she won't feel any different afterward and her body will quickly make more blood.
Bring distractions or comfort objects with you, such as a favorite teddy bear, a toy, picture book or bubbles.
Make sure the nurse or assistant explains what he is doing as he prepares your child for blood work. For example, explain that he is swabbing her arm with alcohol to kill germs.
Remain calm during the blood work and keep your child's attention focused on you. Tell a story or joke, blow bubbles or play with your child's toys. If your child becomes upset, comfort him.
Congratulate your child after the blood work -- no matter how upset or scared she was. Enjoy a special treat, such as ice cream or a favorite movie, as a reward.