How to Curb Obesity in Children
Obesity in children can contribute to several physical and psychological conditions, including asthma, bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, low self-esteem and an increased risk of being an obese adult. You can reduce these risks by incorporating a healthier lifestyle for your children.
Healthy Eating
Buy foods from the perimeter of the grocery store. This means shopping the produce, meat, dairy and bread sections, while avoiding the middle aisles that are filled with sodas, snacks and prepared foods. Even still, make sure your choices are good ones: Pick whole-grain breads, low-fat or skim milk products, and fish or lean cuts of meat.
Preparing meals at home helps your children learn to eat healthy. Cook meals at home. Make the majority of your meals at home, and get your kids involved with the planning and preparation. Determine what healthy foods they enjoy and incorporate those into their meals. Avoid eating out on a regular basis to avoid bigger portions than necessary and more calories, too.
Eat meals together as a family. Avoid eating in front of the TV set or computer. Sit down together at the dinner table and eat your meals as a family. Unconsciously snacking in front of a television or computer tends to increase the amount of food consumed, compared with sitting down for a meal.
Physical Activity
Limit the amount of your child's recreational activities that involve sitting, such as watching TV, using a computer or playing video games. If you purchase a video game system, pick one that requires physical movement that burns calories, for example, the Nintendo Wii,
Help your child find an activity that he enjoys. Make activities fun. Exercise doesn't have to be boring or repetitive. Get your kids involved in physical activities, such as roller blading, jump rope or hide-and-seek.
Do physical activities as a family. If you join in the fun, kids are more willing to participate. Go on a family bike ride, take a hike on a camping trip or walk along the beach.