How to Get Fit for Kids
Feed your kids a regular balanced diet of whole grains, lean meets, fresh fruit and vegetables. The key to fitness starts with your diet. Get your children on a healthy routine, and they will be more likely to maintain that lifestyle as they get older.
Keep sugary cereals, chips, candy and other fast foods as a special occasion treat. Store these foods in a high or locked cupboard where children don't have easy access.
Chop vegetables into ready-to-eat bite-size snacks and put these in a container readily accessible on a shelf your children can reach in the refrigerator. By providing a healthy option of a grab-and-go snack, your children are less dependent on prepackaged foods high in fat or sugar and low in nutrients.
Take your kids to the park where they can play on the swing set and jungle gym. They will be getting a solid work out running around playing with their friends.
Encourage your kids to go swimming. It is a full-body work out that doesn't seem like any work.
Teach your kids to play physical games like tag and red rover. Don't let your kids play endless hours of video games where they don't leave the couch.
Push back the furniture, put on some music and make a private dance party in your living room. It is a great way to spend time with your kids, and the whole family gets a work out.