How to Get WIC in Nebraska
Call your local WIC office. If you need help finding an office call the Nebraska Statewide Office at 800-942-1171 to be directed to the nearest WIC office location. Alternatively, visit the website (see Resources) to locate a local office. Schedule your first appointment, during which you need to bring proof of income, proof of residency, proper identification and your children.
Present proof of income and proof of residency when you arrive at your first appointment. To prove residence, you'll need a hard line utility bill, lease agreement, or some other bill with your physical address. For proof of income, you will need to bring pay stubs. Since this is assistance based on financial need, they will need to know how many people reside in your home and are part of your family to determine whether you fall within the guidelines of receiving financial, nutritional assistance through Nebraska's WIC program.
Continue the application process by allowing your child or children to undergo a few small tests. Children are weighed, tested for lead and measured to see if they are meeting the standard requirements for children their age.
Find out whether you are approved; the decision is made during this initial visit.
Learn about your benefits and the WIC process once you have been approved. A counselor will explain that each month, you will receive paper checks that tell you what you can get with that check, as well as a booklet that shows you the brands, sizes and products that qualify for the Nebraska WIC program.
Continue to visit the WIC office regularlly for checkups with the children, nutritional counseling and the occasional update on your income and need for the Nebraska WIC assistance.