How to Teach Personal Hygiene to Youth
Talk to your child about the importance of overall good hygiene. Explain that not practicing good hygiene can cause dental issues, odors, illnesses and will most likely affect their day-to-day life. Use guidance and love to teach, and avoid scolding or forcing your child.
Take your preteen child to the store to pick out their first deodorant. Explain that the product should be applied after washing and drying the body. Sweat itself does not smell, it is the bacteria that feeds on sweat that causes unpleasant odors.
Encourage your child to shower or bathe daily. Germs breed in unclean areas and can cause illness. According to the Troubled Teen website, children can start washing themselves from about 6 years old. Monitor your child as the washing process progresses.
Bring your child to the dentist every six months. If you bring them as early as 1 year old, they get used to regular check-ups as part of their dental hygiene routine. Explain how brushing twice a day and avoiding sugary snacks and drinks can help promote healthy teeth.
Explain that regularly washing their hair will promote hair health and keep the hair from getting greasy and dirty. Take your child for regular hair cuts to keep hair manageable.
Prepare your daughter for her period so it doesn't come as a surprise. Explain how her body will experience this process once a month and that it's a natural thing that all young girls go through. Show her how to use menstrual pads or tampons and celebrate the fact she is growing up.
Show your son how to control his facial hair once it starts growing. Educate him on the different products he can use to shave and teach him how to go about the shaving process.