Motor Skills Checklist
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills include big movements such as crawling, walking and running. They use the bigger muscles located in the legs, torso and arms. At 3 months, babies begin to raise their heads. At 6 months, they roll from back to stomach. Around 9 months, babies can sit without support and start to crawl. At 12 months, children can begin to walk with or without support. By 2 years, toddlers can run. At 3 years, they can climb. And by 5 years, children can jump, hop and skip.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are small motions, including holding something with your thumb and forefinger, using your wrist or stacking blocks. At 2 months, babies start to smile at the sound of your voice. By 3 months, they grasps objects, like fingers and stuffed animals. At 6 months, they can transfer objects from hand to hand. By 18 months, toddlers can drink from a cup. By 4 years, they can draw circles and squares. At 5 years, they can get dressed, including buttoning and zipping their clothes.
Language Skills
Language skills begin at around 4 months and include speech and comprehension. Language skills use fine motor skills in moving their lips and tongue. At 4 months, babies can laugh and begin to imitate sounds. They can try to mimic your voice and noises. By 12 months, they can usually say at least one word. By 18 months, their vocabulary should be at least 15 words. At 2 years, children can speak in two-word sentences. At 3 years, they use multi-word sentences. By 5 years, children can tell you their name and address.