The Temperature of a Kid's Room During the Summer
In order to enter a deep sleep, REM sleep, the body must pass through a rhythmic cycle. Light, sound and temperature can interrupt this process. A dark, quiet, cool room is more conducive to entering REM sleep. For a child's room, the best temperature is between 61 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on your region, the summer may cause temperatures to exceed this range. Use fans, air conditioners and other cooling systems to maintain a healthful sleep environment.
While you should encourage outdoor play, your child's room should be a safe place to stay cool during the day. Keep her room a comfortable temperature between 68 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Use fans and air conditioning to regulate temperature on a hot day. On a cool, wet or breezy day, provide clothing designed for layering, such as tank tops, thin long-sleeved shirts and sweaters, so that children can regulate their own temperature. While rooms are unoccupied, open windows to allow fresh air to circulate and balance the internal/external temperature.
If overheated, your child may experience heat cramps, painful muscle cramps. While distressing, this condition can be alleviated with water and rest. If left untreated, heat cramps may progress to heat exhaustion. Common signs of heat exhaustion include sweating, dizziness, nausea, headaches and muscle cramps. Your child's skin may appear discolored (flushed or pale) and feel cold to the touch or clammy. Similar to heat cramps, exhaustion does not usually require medical attention and may be treated with rest, food, liquids and a cool environment. Heat stroke is the most severe consequence of leaving heat illness untreated. During a stroke, body temperature will rise drastically, resulting in irreparable brain damage. It is potentially fatal if the body temperature does not stabilize.