How to Make Your Kids Keep Good Posture

According to the National University of Health Sciences, many children suffer from chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain due to poor posture. In addition to chronic pain, poor posture can also affect the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system causing spinal curvature, subluxations, and even nerve compression. Causes of poor posture can vary but may include low self-esteem, the use of heavy backpacks, or simply a lack of awareness. Taking steps to ensure that your child keeps good posture will reduce the risk of musculosketelal problems in the future.


  1. Standing and Sitting

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      Explain the importance of having good posture to your child. Have your child stand and sit and adjust their posture until it is correct to show them the proper way to stand and sit.

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      Make sure your child's head is up and chin is in and that they are looking straight ahead. Also, make sure that when standing and sitting, your child's shoulders are back, chest is forward, and stomach is tucked in.

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      When standing make sure that your child's knees are straight but not locked. When sitting, ensure that their knees are at a 90 degree angle and feet are flat on the ground.

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      Lead by example and maintain proper posture yourself. If your child is having trouble, set up a schedule to practice the correct way to stand and sit daily or engage the child in activities that will help maintain better posture such as swimming, martial arts, and dancing.

    Carrying and Backpack

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      Limit the weight of your child's backpack. Make sure that the backpack does not weigh more than 10 percent of their body weight, as heavier backpacks cause children to lean forward to compensate.

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      Purchase a proper fitting backpack for your child. Make sure the the backpack does not hang more than four inches lower than the child's waist as this can cause the weight to be carried by the child's back instead of their shoulders.

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      Teach your child to wear both shoulder straps of the backpack as wearing just one strap cause cause weight to be carried by one side leading to muscle problems in the neck and back.

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