Activities to Promote Hygiene in Children
If you have ever had to chase a child in order to get him to take a daily bath, then you understand the need for a fun activity that can make bath time easier on both of you. Make it a pleasant time by playing music and allowing the child to choose his own favorite bath toys. Plan it to be a part of his daily ritual and keep the environment quiet and peaceful so that he learns that baths are enjoyable and pleasant. You might try giving him bath mitts or using a pleasantly scented bubble bath. Arrange for the time after the bath to one of relaxation by reading him his favorite story.
Hand Washing
It is a necessity for kids to keep their hands clean to prevent the spread of germs and diseases. Germs from wiping noses, putting hands in the mouth and rubbing eyes can be spread to others without proper and frequent hand washing. Most kids do not like to take the time to wash their hands, but can be enticed to do so with a fun activity or game. Most kids tend to be in a hurry when washing their hands and fail to do a proper job of eliminating germs. Show them how to set a timer for 20 seconds and teach them how to always use enough soap to make a lather and then rub briskly. Make sure they know to wash until the timer buzzes. If possible find a musical timer that might help create a fun way to wash hands. Another technique might be to have them sing a song or say the alphabet while washing their hands.
Teeth Brushing
Make tooth brushing a fun time by shopping with your child for a colorful toothbrush, children's flavored toothpaste and maybe a special drinking cup to use only when rinsing after brushing. Brainstorm with your child some songs that he only sings when brushing his teeth. One suggestion might be "This is the Way We Brush Our Teeth" sung to the tune of the "Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush." Ensure the song lasts at least three minutes in order to him to do a proper job of brushing. Do the same thing while he flosses.