Humidifiers for Children
Ultrasonic Humidifier
An ultrasonic humidifier works by disturbing the water in the reservoir with high frequency sound waves. The sound waves churn up and disperse tiny drops of water into the air. An ultrasonic humidifier can be used with cold or warm water. These humidifiers can disperse bacteria and mold into the air, so it is imperative that the humidifier is cleaned regularly and fresh water added before each use. Minerals can also be dispersed into the air with the water. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, using distilled water will help reduce the likelihood of minerals in the air.
Impeller Humidifiers
Impeller humidifiers use a disc that spins at a high rate of speed. The disc spins through the water and sends it to a screen that diffuses the water into tiny droplets. The water droplets are then dispersed into the air. Many impeller humidifiers include an air washer to kill bacteria and viruses in the water. An ion stick in the water will destroy microbes as well. The disk can be removed and washed by hand or placed in a dishwasher. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Consumer Product Safety Commission agree that impeller humidifiers may also disperse minerals, mold, bacteria and other contaminants into the air. Proper cleaning and use of distilled water can help reduce the likelihood of contamination.
Evaporative Humidifiers
Evaporative humidifiers produce a cool mist, which also consists of a wick that absorbs the water from the reservoir and then a fan blows air across the wick. Water is evaporated by the air blowing across the wick and dispersed into the room. The amount of water that is evaporated into water vapor depends on the relative humidity of the room. If the humidity is low, then more water vapor will be evaporated and dispersed into the room. As the humidity of the room increases, the amount of water vapor dispersed by an evaporative humidifier decreases. The Environmental Protection Agency warns that the wick can harbor mold and bacterial growth, so the wick must be thoroughly rinsed clean and allowed to dry completely between uses. The wick can also become clogged with mineral deposits if tap water is used in the reservoir, so you should use distilled water to reduce the buildup of minerals.