Vitamin & Mineral Information for Kids
Vitamins fall into two categories, fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D and E can be stored in the body for future use. Water-soluble vitamins such as C, B12 and niacin cannot be stored in the body and thus must acquired each day. Minerals usually refers to trace minerals such as copper, iron and chromium that are needed in very small amounts.
Every vitamin or mineral has a different specific function in the body, states KidsHealth. For example, carrots contain carotenoids which are used by the body to prevent eye problems. Overall, vitamins and minerals affect the immune system, help organs and cells functions properly, and promote healthy growth and development in children.
Many children need supplements to their normal diet in order to get the best balance of nutrition for development. For example, children with vegetarian or vegan diets should obtain zinc and iron, which are mostly found in meats and poultry, from another source. KidsHealth recommends consulting a pediatrician about specific dietary needs and concerns.