Ear Problems in Children
After swimming or participating in any activity that causes heavy sweating, a child may experience an ear infection. Signs of an infection include discharge from the ear, a bad odor, or severe itching. Consult your physician if you notice any of these symptoms.
Middle Ear Infection
The middle ear is a small box located behind the eardrum. It is made up of tiny bones and is full of air. The middle ear is joined to the throat by the Eustachian tube. When you swallow or yawn the tube is opened for a short time and air is let in. Middle ear infection normally affects a child when he has a cold; germs cause the Eustachian tube to swell and cause a blockage of air to the middle ear, leading to an earache. Your child should be taken to a doctor who will prescribe antibiotics.
Excess Wax
The ear canal produces wax to protect the ear. The wax normally comes out by itself and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. It is not a good idea to use cotton buds as they can push the wax further into the ear causing damage. Sometimes excess wax is collected and needs to be removed.