How to Cure Nits
Things You'll Need
- Lice comb
- Hair clip
- Detergent
- Lice insecticide
- Lice shampoo
Separate long hair into different sections. If the affected person doesn't have long hair, skip this step.
Put hair up into a clip so only one section is hanging down.
Shine a light onto the hair, dip a lice comb into a container of lice insecticide, and carefully comb the hair with the lice comb. Start at the scalp, and move slowly toward the ends of the hair. Continue this process until all of the hair has been combed.
Soak the comb in lice insecticide between each run to keep nits from being transferred back into the hair. Lice insecticides can be bought over the counter. Make sure the lice insecticide you buy contains permethrin or pyrethrin.
Wash hair in lice shampoo, according to the manufacturer's directions. Continue this until all lice and nits are removed.
Wash pillowcases, linens, towels and blankets in a washing machine with detergent.
Sanitize all hair products, including the hair clip you used.